
Is the cost of AWS clouding your bottom line?

Introducing Uncloud from Appioca.

What even is the “cloud”?

Heck if we know. And your customers certainly don’t care whether their data is delivered from a cloud, a warehouse, a lake or some other meaningless marketing term. Data is served from servers in a datacenter. Call it whatever you want, and skip the payment to Amazon’s marketing department.


Okay, then what’s Uncloud?

It’s half the price and more performant.


It’s world class managed hosting. Our network operations team is watching your hardware around the clock.



It’s custom spec’d server hardware designed to fit your app. Need a few tiny virtual servers? We got you. Need ten servers with 40 CPU cores and a terabyte of RAM each? We got that too.


It’s a secure and safe datacenter environment with 100% uptime. Our servers are next to the servers of Fortune 500 enterprise customers. You’ll be in good company.

It’s time to cut costs. It’s time to boost performance. It’s time to Uncloud.

So there you have it.

Check out our white paper and find out how Uncloud can save you money!